Farms dna book mormon incredible new evidence

Annotated book of mormon by david hocking and rod meldrum page 91. Dna evidence does not support the testimony of the lds church mormon doctrine. Further, there is currently no archaeological evidence of american bison. Dna evidence contradicts this origin story, and the lds church has had to backtrack on many of their false and racist ideas regarding native americans, their heritage, and their skin pigmentation. Nonmormon archaeologists speak on book of mormon evidence. We hear a growing chorus of voices claiming that dna studies prove conclusively that there is no evidence of a middle eastern strand within the native american gene pool. Anyway, its amazing to me that the book of mormon indicates that the. Rod is a friend of mine and a member of my hp group, but he has oversimplified this dna matter, aside from falsely stating 1 that the maya are the center of interest of those who consider the book of mormon to be a mesoamerican codex, and 2 that they focus on the maya because they think that joseph smith did so as well. Church releases interesting study of dna and the book of. He had come to the jungles of campeche, northeast of the isthmus, to find proof. Archaeological and historical evidence dna and the book. The church web site includes this interesting study of the book of mormon and dna to sum up.

Farms fair shields mormon apologetics farms and fair and shields apologize for the book of mormon and the book of abraham. Three geneticists respond to the lds essay on dna and the. This is some heavy duty gaslighting and throwing the bom under the bus. Although the primary purpose of the book of mormon is more spiritual than. David stewart in his online article found on the churchs website titled dna and the book of mormon, quotes fellow lds scholar martin tanner, contributor to the neil a.

Below is the modern map of the area of smiths youth. Ces letter links to a poorly written wikipedia article as the basis of their sweeping. Response to rodney meldrums incredible new dna evidence. New discoveries in dna research currently allow scientists to test this historical claim. The use of harold blooms description of joseph smith as a religious genius in this video may mislead viewers into thinking bloom was referring directly to the book of mormon. A few years ago a book critical of the book of mormon was published titled new approaches to the book. According to the book, two of these groups originated from ancient israel. Devout mormon, daniel peterson, a professor of asian and near eastern languages at brigham young university, said. Genetic attacks on the book of mormon focus on the fact that amerindian dna seems closest to asian dna, and not dna from the middle east or jewish dna. Two of the most prevalent claims for the book of mormon are, there is much archaeological proof to the book of mormon, and the american indians are descendants of israelites who came to america as described in the book of mormon. While critics may believe that book of mormon dna testing entirely undermines mormon beliefs, it is important to realize that some underlying assumptions may have lead to faulty conclusions. Over 66,000 people viewed the video in the two weeks after it appeared. Joseph smith claimed that the book of mormon is the. The material below covers the geography of the book of mormon in north america.

Book of mormon difficulties, contradictions and explanations. This video is an eyeopening look for mormons to see the deception laid before them by clearly proving that there is no evidence to support the book of mormon and, in fact, provides contrary evidence. In this episode, three geneticists respond to the lds essay book of mormon and dna studies, and to apologist michael ashs article entitled the dna challenge to the book of mormon that fizzled. Mormon traditions that would have us believe the book of mormon took place in the heartland and at new york truly conflict with the book of mormon, believed to be the word of god, so the heartland model is not valid. That very arrangement is now well documented archaeologically an ancient american setting for the book of mormon, provo, utah. Correlation and verification through dna, prophetic, scriptural, historical, climatological, archaeological, social, and cultural evidence. Do christian critics of the book of mormon have a double standard regarding dna evidence. I suggest that if we are serious about assessing whether what the book of mormon teaches is consistent with dna evidence, we must assess it based on.

In summary, dna evidence and the book of mormon is long overdue. In early 2008 rodney meldrum published a dvd titled dna evidence for book of mormon geography. Farms scholar robert bennett argues the following to deal with this. The study authors believe the new study could also help resolve some longstanding puzzles on the peopling of the new world, which include genetic oddities and archaeological inconsistencies. A recently published book claims that dna evidence proves the book of mormon, one of the books of scripture used by the mormon church, incorrect. The book of mormon, the founding document of the latter day saint movement and one of the four books of scripture of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints lds church, is an account of three groups of people. Nelsonseawright over the last decade or so, there has been a voluminous, and often tiresome, debate about whether recent dna evidence regarding the origins of native americans disproves the book of mormon. Dna evidence of the book of mormon in north america, linking. The book of mormon is clear that it was a literal curse on their skin. Five compelling archeological evidences for the book of mormon. Proof that the book of mormon is true, excerpt from. The question whether dna studies can illuminate book of mormon origins has become a storm center in recent years and months. Over the past several years there has been a lot of debate over dna and the book of mormon.

Archaeological evidence of the book of mormon latterday. Weighing dna evidence about the book of mormon may, 2009 by j. Further, they have overlooked the entire concept of. Members of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints need to realize that. He talks about dna evidence supporting the book of mormon. Farms findings on mesoamerica are based on the book of mormons. Atop it a fence of timbers was planted and bound together with vines. Jlf fuller,, you comment was not approved because it is off the thread topic of dna and the book of mormon. Another testament of jesus christ, is true, not false. Three great resources to debunk the dna vs book of mormon. Dna analysis has concluded that native american indians do not originate from the middle east or from israelites but rather from asia. This dvd delivers on its promise, and provided empirical evidence to those who will listen. I have watched more than 20 hours of wayne may book of mormon lecture videos and conversed with both wayne may and rod meldrum in person.

Attacks on the validity of the book of mormon using dna data support for the book of mormon by mormon academics. Dna vs book of mormon incredible new evidence that proves the book of mormon. Why is finding lamanite dna in the americas important. In this article, we will provide some background on this issue focusing on the scientific issues, followed by a point by point response to various statements made in the essay about the book of mormon. What scriptures in the book of mormon affirm the presence of other people in. On january 31, 2014, the lds church published an essay entitled book of mormon and dna studies in the gospel topics series on its official website. The book of mormon and the new world dna deseret book. Book of mormon readers are well aware of a tribal group who claimed to descend from a son of king zedekiah named mulek. Mormon church says it was an error in their come follow me manual that there was a curse of dark skin. Jamie is the author of a recent article entitled dna and mormonism. This new evidence, in contrast to the first, appears to provide support for the book of mormon as well as and an interesting geographic paradigm for the events therein. Dna vs book of mormon incredible new evidence general.

Proof that the book of mormon is true book of mormon facts. Joseph smith said in the introduction to the book i told the brethren that the book of mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone to our religion yet, the evidence shows the book of mormon is not revelation from god, but a fictitious story written by joseph smith. Much as critics and defenders of the book of mormon would like to use dna studies to support their views, the evidence is simply inconclusive. What are the criticisms related to the book of mormon and dna. The dvd is based upon a popular presentation given in a number of fireside. Cherokeephoenician dna connection book of mormon evidence. One last topic on the subject of archaeological evidence for the book of mormon that i want to talk about is horses. The book of mormon claims that the native american peoples are descended from the house of israel, but the dna evidence, according to this book, points to an asiatic origin for the american continents native people. The idea that america may have been overwhelmingly peopled by folks from northeastern asia. In fact, several mormon organizations have been founded in order to prove these very. My wife and i had the most incredible and special experience.

In 1997, the group became a formal part of brigham young university byu, which is owned and operated by the church of jesus christ of latterday saints lds church. Dna evidence proves book of mormon claims about ancient. A youtube clip entitled dna vs book of mormon incredible new evidence is causing a stir among mormons as it has appeared on websites such as, ldsliving, prepare to serve youtube site and lds smile. The book of mormon makes a handful of references to horses existing on the american continents in these ancient times. The book of mormon describes a ditch being dug around the protected area. Maxwell institute for religious scholarship formerly farms, who explains his position. Dna evidence of the book of mormon in north america, linking native americans to the jewish population in the middle east. The scientific legacy of a quest to prove the book of mormon. Antimormon groups claim that a lack of dna evidence connecting the people of south and central america to the middle east is proof that the book of mormon is not a true record of jewish people in the new world. Mormon remnant through dna is his effort to present that evidence. The book of mormon is supposed to be a history of real people living in a real place. The book of mormon teaches that these israelites are the principal ancestors of modernday native americans. The foundation for ancient research and mormon studies farms was an informal collaboration of academics devoted to latterday saint historical scholarship. However, this attack ignores several key points, among which is the fact that the book of mormon states that lehi and his family are clearly not jews.

Reviews of dna evidence for book of mormon geography. There is generally no direct support amongst mainstream historians and archaeologists for the. A recently published book claims that dna evidence proves that the book of mormon, a book of scripture used in conjunction with the bible by the mormon church, is incorrect and points to an asiatic origin versus a middle eastern origin for the inhabitants of the american continents. Produced by fair, a nonprofit organization that sponsors conferences and websites in defence of the church, this video dispells what for some is a troubling criticism. Provo ap apologetic press scholars based at brigham young university today announced a new theory to defend the book of mormons claims about ancient america. All opinions, speakers and presenters represent and express their own individual opinions, and not necessarily the opinions of firm foundation, book of mormon evidence, or its employees, and no information or opinions represent the church of jesus christ of latterday saints.

I also sent a copy to byu university, to farms, the mormons. New scientific support for the truthfulness of the book of mormon. Your question would have been suited for another thread,, i will go find it and post the permalink to it here, and if you want to take the question to that threads comment board, i would be happy to. This video is a response to the original video, dna vs book of mormon incredible new evidence found here. Dna evidence and the book of mormon conclusive proof. Ferguson, a lawyer by training, did go on to open an important new window on. The book of mormon only mentions one hill cumorah, as does joseph smith, said professor garloy p. In fact, several mormon organizations have been founded in order to prove. Subtitled another testament of jesus christ, it recounts the story story of an israelite family who immigrated to and fully populated the american continents. Dna vs book of mormon incredible new evidence youtube. They are as busy as bees with this mission impossible task. Rod meldrum and book of mormon dna byu scholarsarchive.