Ncriterios curb 65 neumonia pdf

Variables and outcomes analyzed were age, sex, charlson index, mean weight in the diagnosisrelated group, scores on the curb 65 criteria and the pneumonia severity index psi, findings of. Accurate severity assessment is crucial to the initial management of communityacquired pneumonia cap. Acquiredcommunity pneumonia, mortality, qsofa, curb65. The curb65 severity score estimates mortality of communityacquired pneumonia to help determine inpatient vs. Systolic bp curb 65 score estimates mortality of communityacquired pneumonia to help us determine whether inpatient vs.

Diagnostic studies and empirical antimicrobial therapy are also based on this stratification. For most patients however, the curb 65 is easier to use and requires fewer inputs. Psi fine curb 65 confusion urea 7 mmoll 20 mgdl respiratory rate 30 breathsminute. The psiport score is a useful tool which provides an excellent risk stratification of community acquired pneumonia. The curb 65 confusion, uremia, respiratory rate, bp, age. The use of biomarkers such as procalcitonin or creactive protein is not part of the. Pneumonia severity scores royal melbourne hospital. Neumonia adquirida en comunidad en infantes menores a 5 anos. Muchos germenes como bacterias, virus u hongos pueden causarla. Criterios medicos, definiciones, indicaciones, contraindicaciones, clasificaciones, diagnosticos. To perform this validation, we evaluate the prognostic scales.

Juan villegas, alvaro pena, raquel portilla, laura velasco y nuria calvo. In comparison to the psi, curb 65 offers equal sensitivity of mortality prediction due to community acquired pneumonia. Each of the 5 parameters in curb 65 is awarded 1 point for a maximum of 5 total points. The average age was 69,7 years, with a minimum age of 39 years and a maximum age of 82 years.